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Breaking Text Columns

Breaking text columns in desktop publishing is so easy that anyone can do it. Nothing could be further from the truth. Do you know how to perform it correctly?

open book photo

Photo by Mel Poole on Unsplash


I can spy with my eye mistakes, broken layouts, uneven text columns, faulty bleeds, unwanted color profiles, and many, more... What I see daily, others can't find.

Do you feel like a Colorful Bird?

A bit of color here, a bit there, just everywhere. It can get dizzy, and sometimes it's hard to decide, especially if you are a Colorful Bird. The best advisor is a DTP specialist. It will dispel doubts, suggest you how to reduce printing costs, add spot colors and prepare selective refinements.

clock photo

Photo by Djim Loic on Unsplash


The clock is ticking and has never stopped. You can feel like a hamster on the wheel of life. There are deadlines in printing production that cannot be exceeded. That's why you hire a desktop publishing contractor, who will efficiently perform technical corrections so that the print will be delivered on time. What a relief. Don't you think?